
Sep 8, 20211 min

Trauma Admit Note

Tier level: _
Time of Activation: _
Time of Patient Arrival: _
Time of Surgeon Arrival: _
Admitting Trauma Surgeon: _
ED physician involved and time of arrival: _
Other physicians involved and time of arrival: _
CT technician time of arrival: _
Anesthesiologist time of arrival: _

Age: _
Mechanism of Injury/Findings at scene: _
Procedures performed in field: _
Transportation type: _
Last meal: _

Primary Survey
Airway: [intact]
Breathing: [normal, breath sounds equal bilaterally]
Circulation: [skin warm, distal pulses 2+, capillary refill less than 2 seconds globally]
Pupils: [equal and reactive to light, _-_mm, brisk]
GCS: [15, E=_ V=_ M=_]
Motor Function: [move all extremities]
Sensory: [no deficits]
Exposure: _

Secondary Survey
VS: _
GEN: [well developed and well nourished]
EYES: [pupils round reactive to light, conjunctiva clear, extraocular movements intact, no raccoons eyes]
ENT: [no fluid in external acoustic canals, no hemotympanum, no battle's sign, nares patent, oropharynx clear]
NECK: [no JVD, midline trachea, no cervical spine tenderness, C-collar in place]
HEART: [regular rate and rhythm]
CHEST: [chest wall non-tender, no bruising/deformity]
ABD: [no Grey-Turner's or Cullen's sign, soft, non tender, no rebound or guarding, E-FAST scan negative at _ ]
PELVIS: [stable to rock]
BACK: [no step offs or deformities, T-L spine non tender]
GU: [no perineal hematoma, NO BLOOD AT MEATUS]
EXT: [2+ global pulses, moving all extremities well, +5/5 muscle strength globally]
NEURO: [CNII-XII grossly intact, no sensory deficits]
RECTAL: [good tone, no gross blood, NO HIGH RIDING PROSTATE]
